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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why It Matters How We End A Friendship

Why It Matters How We End A Friendship

Something upsetting took place the other day. I woke up to discover that a woman I am friends with on Facebook had blocked me. Permanently deleted me, so that I can’t see her presence anywhere online and she can’t see mine. I don’t mind telling you, I was shocked to my core. First, the juggernaut of… Continue Reading

Why Rising for What You Love, Matters!

Why Rising for What You Love, Matters!

What’s your relationship with standing tall in the world? What comes up for you when you consider rising to a calling that matters to you? Where do you stand with ‘’making a stand’’ (which is an embodied agreement with yourself) for unleashing your full presence and gifts in the world? Is it easy for you… Continue Reading

Meeting Discomfort to Feel More Alive

Meeting Discomfort to Feel More Alive

When was the last time you dipped just your little toe, or both feet, or even all of you, into something freezing cold when it wasn’t even summer? In the morning when you shower under the warmth of that waterfall cascading about your shoulders and down your body, will you follow on with a jet of cold spray… Continue Reading

The Gift of Living What Doesn’t Make Sense

The Gift of Living What Doesn’t Make Sense

Something quite mysterious happened deep in the forest yesterday, which I did not expect and which blew my mind. Now, I’m telling you because I don’t think what happened was meant just for me. I believe it might have been for your benefit too. I was there because I had a question burning in my heart. But you… Continue Reading