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how slow is my new go

With every new year comes the sense that we should get cracking and really ”go for it” to make this year our best one yet. But what if slow became your new go?

I don’t know about you but I haven’t made New Year Resolutions for almost a decade.

What I have taken to doing over the past couple of year-ends, is to really slow down during December, and let my heart, the rest of my body, and my inner guidance reveal to me where I am at after the ride through the last twelve months.

During that review, I ask myself some deep questions:

How do I feel emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually? 
What wants to be heard in me that has been ignored and not honoured this past year? 
What within me wants my undivided attention moving forwards, and why? 
Where this year has my heart shut down, and where has it opened? 

This review already began for me in October. By December it was starting to get very revealing!

The reflection process has taken me on an immersive journey into my next layers of self-love, self-care, deep inner peace, and healing.

But to get there has meant…me going slower.

In fact I have been going slower with my body, my mind, my day, my work, my life.


Because when I let myself go slower, I can access more of my instinctual self, more of my true nature. That’s where the gold is, where the magic happens, where my truth resides, and where right action can unfold.

And to open to the All of that, well, you have to go slower in life!

So you can hear what your heart, your nervous system, body, and your inner guidance are telling you.

So you can read the outward signs too and heed them.

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I’ve been integrating a number of changes over the past 4-8 weeks. Maybe some of these resonate for you to try too:

1. Nutrition: I have re-opened my heart to cooking and to fresh food, and reignited my passion for creating in the kitchen. I am honouring my body by once again nourishing myself with what serves my vitality and inner balance, and ditching what doesn’t. It’s back to super-clean eating and in super delicious ways. My sugar cravings are now long gone, and my true energy is emerging, increasingly revitalising and sustaining me.

2. Deeper health journey: I have been investing in homeopathic treatments to reset some imbalances in my body, and am embarking on a deeper, longer journey to reset a nervous system out of whack since childhood.

3. Sleep: I am gifting myself 9.30 and 10pm bedtimes once again – and enjoying more restorative sleep and insightful dreams.

4. Joyful movement: I’m back to at least 2 hours a day of walking in nature – because it feels amazing to do it. Dance is coming and possibly yoga…

5. Meditation: I now meditate daily and am seeing the benefits of a quieter mind, a more relaxed body, and more presence throughout my day.

6. Singing: I’ve taken to singing again, mostly Kirtan mantras (chants). I love the way they make me feel. After a dedicated session of this, every cell in my body is buzzing with life! I do it in the morning as another form of meditation, and as I make my dinner (with the added bonus of invigorating the food with good vibes).

7. Kindness: I’m being a LOT kinder to myself in so many ways – more on this in future editions.

8. Transmuting reactivity: I’ve been choosing to stop powering my habitual patterns of worry, stress, anxiety, irritation, and of being too easily triggered by certain behaviours or viewpoints of others. I’m clearer than ever about how these patterns deeply harm my body, close down my heart, rob me of joy, and create an illusion of separation. The patterns signal parts of me that are calling out for me to love them and love them I am doing!

Going slower in my world has certainly allowed me to hear what is rising in me, needing to be met with love.

From that, it has become clear that what matters to me most this year is to open my heart to the peace I am, and to receive that in myself – along with the joy, presence, and creativity that this brings.

Going slower has also allowed for a buried dream and desire to re-surface and be seen and engaged with, as well as opened up a possible new turn with the publishing of my book.

Continuing to go slower in my mind, day, and world may not be easy.

I will likely fall off my wagon a number of times.

But then getting back up, dusting myself off, and enjoying the views is what the ride is all about :)

INVITATION: What about you? What is arising in you for this year? Feel free to borrow my annual review questions and try them for yourself. Let me know what you get!

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