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Private Coaching
via skype, phone or in-person.
Big Picture – what you get:
- The clarity, relief, inspiration and joy of feeling safe and confident to be real with yourself and others, to come more alive, and to live your Love in the world.
- My extraordinary knack for helping you safely meet and transmute any pain that has arisen in you because of disconnection to parts of yourself or life.
- A potent combination of high vibrational and inspirational “medicine” mixed with practical, intuitive, down-to-earth facilitation.
- The pathway to be better able to live and lead with Love – and to flourish this way.
I’m for you if:
- You struggle with the idea of power because it brings up negative ideas of control – but you like the sound of being in a ‘’heart-centred power that matters to you’’ and you need help to learn how to gift this to yourself and those whose lives you touch.
- You are stuck and stagnating in repeating and worsening patterns that play out in your life with painful consequences
- You are at war or in conflict with yourself, others, or your world – and you’re noticing more and more the ways in which this robs you of your peace, wellbeing, or effectiveness
- You are experiencing health issues, such as increasingly prevalent anxiety or depression, which seriously impacts your sense of joy and connectedness and negatively affects your relationships and work.
- You are standing on the cusp of something new, and don’t know what it is but feel the burning desire to unleash it, OR, you do know but are terrified of failing or believing you can have what you want.
- You struggle in any of the following areas and want to change that: being present; having courage, compassion, trust, and integrity; being in ‘’healthy vulnerability’’; enjoying revitalised wellbeing; having transparent and loving relationships; exercising true choice and action; receiving your enlivened and creative inspiration.
- You feel despair and hopelessness about your purpose because you sense you are powerful yet you also feel small or as if you don’t belong, and you convince yourself you have no value or contribution to gift to the world.
In a nutshell my programs are:
- About you shifting and liberating in the areas you most struggle.
- Powerful, alchemical, and liberating journeys.
- Warm, fun, and deeply bonding experiences.
Choose from:
- Stand-alone programs
- The Essentials Series
This is for you if: you want to benefit from a dynamic, one-off session to gain deeper understanding and awareness about a current conflict or crisis.
SHIFT (6x90min sessions). The power and potency of SHIFT is that it incorporates ILLUMINATE AND BREAKTHROUGH whilst enabling you to begin making the switch from the mind-orientated living that keeps you small, to instead consciously operating much more from the heart, soul, and spirit.
This is for you if: you are committed to moving beyond just ‘’defusing’’ your conditioning, and transition into heart-centred and intuitive connectedness. It is definitely for you if you are sick of grasping at life and manipulating it, and instead want to receive with ease. And it’s absolutely for you, if want to develop clean and reliable skills for intuition or getting to know your true self. Not to mention the bonus of ‘’between-session’’ support at no charge, should you need it.
THE JOURNEY (3, 6, and 12 month mentorships with me). Where SHIFT leaves off, THE JOURNEY begins. Mentorships are where you learn the alchemical art of deeply integrating what it takes to choose and embody openhearted living in all areas of your life on a daily basis.
The Journey is for you if: you are serious about being/living the change you want to see in the world, or are on a mission! If you want to seriously upgrade your experience of life and raise your vibration. And if you are a deep truth-seeker or diver and are over powering drama and victimhood. Its 100% for you if you know that left to your own devices you will just settle back into your comfort zone. And if you’re the type of person who wants to flourish under the supportive guidance of a mentor and ally who will walk every step of the way with you, inspire you, and hold you accountable to your truth and heart and gold – then this mentorship definitely has your name on it.
Benefits of my unique four-chambered heart approach:
Just as a heart has four chambers that need to all pump appropriately for the efficiency of the blood flow that nourishes and sustains you, so too will we make sure that we strengthen whatever chambers(s) you most need help with.
- Clarity: How to drop what no longer serves you in your life – so that you stop draining energy, make better choices with clarity, and make space for the new.
- Surrender: How to develop faith, trust, and not-knowing – so you can open to more magic and possibility in life, stop trying to figure things out all the time, and handle change well.
- Emotions: How to meet and feel your emotions in a safe and functional way – so you feel more alive, authentically expressed, and connected to yourself and others.
- Purpose: How to hear and rise to your calling, whether small or large, and bring forth your gifts – so you can contribute, receive your value and feel fulfilled.
Bonus life-skills you develop:
- Trust, Courage, and Integrity – by learning how to live from heart-centred power.
- Presence and Clear-Seeing – slicing through the bullshit so you’re ready to do things differently.
- Intuition, Heart-knowing, and the ability to trust that and let it set you free in life.
- Ease into Vulnerability – so you can discover it is a great sense of strength for you.
- Feeling More Alive and connected in life.
- Love and Compassion – for yourself and others and really knowing what that looks and sounds and feels like.
- The Voice of your Intuition – so that you can receive its messages and don’t have to keep being in chaos and confusion from looking outside of yourself for all the answers.
- Power of Choice and Action – the ability to choose what’s true for you, and to develop the “muscle’’ to follow through on those decisions.
- Responsibility – because you stop powering from your reactivity.
You must be willing to:
- Permit yourself to be happy in life, and to matter to you.
- Reclaim your power in those places where you gave it away others.
- Lean into and shift in the ways that will help you the most.
- Accept the decisions and actions you made to be where you are now.
- Open to healing shame, bitterness, judgement, regret, anxiety or depression.
- Learn how to sit with a little tension as you learn ways of being that challenge the old.
- Adopt simple ways to receive intuition and to follow the guidance you get.
My programs are not for you if:
- You don’t really wish to change, only talk about things and stay stuck in your story.
- You are not willing to open to new perspectives or be supportively challenged.
- You only want to skim the very surface of things, just ‘’be positive’’, and not be honest about where you are at.
To enquire about working with me, please email at
Crossroads in career
I was at a powerful juncture in my life. I knew it was powerful, but really didn’t ‘know’ which way to turn. ...Read more...
Sarah Williams – Central Coast NSW
Relating with others, and learning how to be in my power
While I have a good life generally, I contacted Caroline to initially assist me with some personal growth. I still felt that my life could be better. ...Read more...
As we worked with this, we began to heal my uneasy relationship with power and authority. At times I could feel very powerful and sensed that others didn’t like that, and at other times I could often feel powerless and dominated by strong energy types who did not recognise or respect my role or presence. As Caroline and I journeyed, she helped me to see that all my life I have unconsciously trained my attention to always track for conflict in my life, to always be on the lookout for it in any and all situations. What I didn’t realise was how much this inadvertently set me up to attract even more of it!
Caroline showed me that I needed to learn how to be in my personal power (to love myself) whilst remaining in my heart. In shifting some of my assumptions, and learning some simple techniques, I began to see how I could best lead from my feminine energy. This has helped me to recognise and stay out of unnecessary power struggles. Also liberating, has been the insight that I don’t need to save people or be overly responsible to them. I used to do everything for others and people would depend on me all the time. It was often a source of stress.
As I worked with Caroline I started to feel more relaxed around people, and I let myself be more personable with them. I became more in my body and less in my head. I experimented with being more curious in life, and with people. Caroline is very adept in her understanding of people and their problems and was able to address the core of my problem with sensitivity and heart. She was able to understand and give me the voice to express verbally what previously was unspoken and I had only felt the consequences.
Colleen Smith – Central Coast NSW
Healing my body and meeting my emotions
I must firstly say that the thought of talking to a professional about my feelings was the scariest part of all. I really did believe that if I just ignored all of my pain, and hurt and did a Scarlett O'Hara - I’ll worry about that tomorrow!! - I would be OK. Then my body finally decided to speak up. ...Read more...
Nic – Central Coast, Australia
Freedom from a pattern of sabotage in my life
I worked with Caroline after a longstanding pattern of mine reared its head again. I wanted to explore what might be the cause. ...Read more...
Irén Söderberg – Sweden
Taking the power out of limiting and crippling thoughts
I hope all is great in your world Caroline. It's been about six months since working with you and I just thought I'd give you an update. At first I thought I’d understood what you were teaching me but the true depth took a little longer to really sink in and make sense. But eventually I fully got it and I want to say a really big THANK YOU!! ...Read more....
Nathan – Central Coast, Australia
Facing feelings rather than eating them
I sit with my feelings now! I can recognise them and let them pass. I can bring myself back from a fearful or worrying situation that goes on in head, and consciously redirect with awareness. It’s been a massive learning curve, and I feel much happier in my ability to connect with myself. ...Read more...
Robyn – Central Coast, Australia